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With a brown roof and ends, mustard yellow paint, and black, navy blue, gold, red, and white printing, NSC 94-41 (a 40 Foot Double Sheathed Wood Ice Refrigerator Car with a vertical brake wheel) has “MKT Missouri Kansas Texas Lines” logos, “When it’s Griffin’s it’s Good” text, reporting number GRFX 1908, truck mounted Magne-Matic knuckle couplers, operating roof hatches, sprue with optional, buyer installed roof hatch latches, and smooth backed wheels. Decorated in white, with black, navy blue, orange, red, and yellow printing, NSC 94-42 (a 48 Foot Fruehauf Highway Intermodal Van Trailer) has “Griffin's 85th Anniversary” logos, “When it’s Griffin’s it’s Good” text, reporting number GRFX 1993, a raised landing gear option, and free rolling wheels. Individually plastic jewel-boxed with Micro-Trains Line "Griffin's" special-run paper insert labels, these C-10 condition body end printed models are plastic shrink-wrapped with a white serial numbered set liner bearing black, navy blue, red, and yellow printing. |